Vet Professionals

Dovecote Veterinary Referrals practising in Castle Donington as a referrals service since 1990, Dovecote Referrals provides Specialist support to practices across the Midlands and beyond.

Pet Owners

Learn about your pet’s journey and find all the information you need to ensure that your pet receives the best possible care at our hospital. You can easily locate our hospital and learn about the various services we offer.

Welcome to Dovecote Veterinary Referrals

We offer state-of-the-art facilities and gold standard care.

Why choose Dovecote?

Dovecote is accredited as a veterinary Hospital under both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and British Veterinary Hospital schemes. This means that our facilities and standards fulfil the highest criteria set by these bodies, and you can be assured that you and your pet will always receive the highest standards of care.

We achieved hospital status in 1995 and have a large team of dedicated staff, as well as extensive facilities in order to offer caring and comprehensive services to both referring vets and pet owners alike. State-of-the-art digital imaging facilities, including digital x-ray, MRI and CT scan machines are all right here on site.

Get in Touch

Whether you're a vet seeking advice, an owner looking for an update, or simply have a question, don't hesitate to reach out and speak with a member of our team - we're here to help.

01332 810395     01332 812500

[email protected]

Monday to Friday - 8am to 7pm

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